The right base for your floor.
A perfectly level floor isn’t always important, believe it or not. In certain rooms such as playrooms or bedrooms, minor variances caused by imperfections in the subflooring usually have little to no impact on usage or durability.
However, when a level floor is important, it’s really important.
If a kitchen has floors that aren’t level, for instance, it can create problems when new cabinets or appliances are added. Another example would be a room with a large aquarium—it’s a good idea to ensure a tank filled with gallons and gallons of water isn’t going to tilt one way or the other!
After evaluating how a client uses the room and what plans they might have for the future, we can make concrete and wood subfloors 100% level. It’s a painstaking process that includes using a laser to compare as many as 75 different points in the area, and then using a variety of methods and products to create an ideal base for the main flooring installation.